Council workers break ground on the Blackbutt main street upgrade on February 21 (Photo: SBRC)

Deputy Mayor Gavin Jones
March 1, 2022

Work on Blackbutt’s $1.6 million streetscape and footpath upgrade began last week, with Council workers starting to remove old gutters and pavement.

Local councillor Gavin Jones – who has long been lobbying for the upgrade – was on hand to watch the historic moment as the machinery went to work on the northern side of Coulson Street.

However, after a promising start the rains came, delaying the project again.

A Council spokesperson said construction would resume this week.

Over the next two weeks, the Council team will build underground drains.

Gravel pavements will also be constructed where new kerbs will eventually be built as works progress.

“While excavation is under way, new water supply services will be provided to properties along the area of immediate works,” the Council spokesperson said.

“These works will require the testing of water main valves and connections. It is anticipated these works may cause minor delays as testing and connections occur.

“Lengthy delays in water supply are not expected. All businesses and properties will be provided suitable notice prior to any disruption to water supply. Where possible connections may be completed out of business hours.

“These works shall continue west along Coulson Street between Muir Street and the frontage of Les Muller Park, allowing the preparation to continue for the new kerb and channel planned for the week ending March 12, weather permitting.

“Construction activity at times may provide noise from machinery and equipment, some restrictions to vehicle parking and pedestrian access for public safety, however these impacts will be limited and allow continual business access as construction progresses along Coulson Street.

“Site works and construction activity will be performed Monday to Friday from 6:30am-5:00pm, and Saturday 7:00am-5:00pm.”

The project is expected to be completed by June.

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Work has begun on the northern side of Coulson Street and will gradually move towards Les Muller Park  (Photo: SBRC)
The first work zone for the street upgrade is on the northern side of the street (Works plan: SBRC)


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