October 6, 2021
Firefighters received an early morning callout on Wednesday to attend a large mulch fire burning on a property at Goodger.
Both urban and rural crews were called to the Boonenne Road property at 1:14am.
The fire began in a large pile of sawdust and mill waste, which included large pieces of wood.
A QFES spokesperson said the burning pile was about 20m x 50m in size, and up to six metres high but no property was under threat.
The landholder brought in earthmoving machinery to help break up the fire and remove larger pieces of timber.
He worked alongside 10 fire crews from the Stuart River, McEuen, Kunioon-Hodgleigh and Brooklands rural fire brigades and Kingaroy urban units.
The fire had been brought under control by 2:00am but was still smouldering in the centre at 3:30am.
Firefighters and the landholder continued to work to break up the mulch pile and by 6:30am it had been fully levelled by an excavator.
Fire crews continued to cool down hotspots until 8:15am when the fire was fully extinguished.