Committee chairman Barnaby Joyce

August 19, 2018

A Federal Parliamentary committee is keen to hear from regional businesses as part of its inquiry into how the mining sector can support businesses in regional economies.

The deadline for submissions to the Innovation, Industry, Science and Resources Committee inquiry has been extended to allow for more businesses, organisations and individuals to contribute to the discussion on the inquiry’s terms of reference, which are available on the Committee’s website

Those wishing to make a submission can choose to do so confidentially, meaning the submission will not be published, or with their “name withheld”, meaning the submission will be published anonymously.

The committee can also choose to take testimony in camera from witnesses wishing to provide oral evidence on the terms of reference without being identified.

Committee chairman Barnaby Joyce said the committee was interested in the views of regional businesses and organisations as to whether they were benefitting from resource extraction in their region, as well as on issues including the payment terms offered by mining companies.

“We need to make sure that the wealth that is earned in the local area is spent in the local area,” Mr Joyce said.

“I can appreciate that small and medium-sized businesses and individuals may be reluctant to criticise big mining companies they work with.

“However, the committee would like to remind all interested parties that witnesses presenting evidence to a Parliamentary inquiry are entitled to the protection of the Parliament.

“Any pressure put on individuals to refrain from commenting would be considered a serious matter.”

Any inquiries about the process of making a submission or appearing before the Committee can be directed to the Secretariat on (02) 6277-4114 or by email


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