SBRC Water Manager Nerida Airs

February 10, 2017

Emergency water restrictions planned for Nanango have been postponed for a week, and will now apply from midnight on Sunday, February 19 through to 5:00pm Friday, February 24.

On Friday, the South Burnett Regional Council advised that due to a delay in the supply of materials, contractors will not commence maintenance work on the town’s Hospital Reservoir until Monday, February 20.

Because of this, water restrictions originally planned for February 12 through to February 17 have been scrapped.

The water restrictions will be applied because Council needs to take the reservoir offline while the work is carried out, and wants to ensure there is an adequate supply in the system.

During the week of February 19-24, water use will be restricted to internal use and essential external use only, such as cleaning windscreens, pet enclosures or emergency purposes.

Watering of gardens and lawns will not be permitted.

“The system should cope with the reservoir being offline, but we are taking a precautionary approach by limiting water use to essential purposes,” Council’s Water Manager Nerida Airs said.

“We really appreciate Nanango residents restricting their water use over this time.

“The work will ensure the reservoir is maintained in good condition and will extend its life.”

Any enquiries should be directed to Council’s Water and Wastewater Department by phoning (07) 4189-9100 or by email


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