April 27, 2015

Murgon Mustangs’ first aid officer Alicia Pidgeon is looking for people interested in learning how to do sports taping.

Vital First Aid Training, a registered training organisation, will hold a course in the South Burnett if there is enough interest.

Thirty spots are allocated for each half-day class.

The nationally accredited advanced taping course includes both Sideline rigid and Sideline K taping.

It will cover thumb, finger, wrist, tennis elbow, hamstring, knee, shin splints, Osgood-Schlatter syndrome, thigh, ankle, Severs disease (heel) and achilles tendon.

A certificate and ID will be issued that is recognised by all sports Australia-wide.

The course price of $130 includes a downloadable manual, a pair of blunt nosed shears and course tape.

There are no pre-requisites to attend.

A venue and date will be selected after interest in the course can be gauged.

For more information, contact Alica on 0438-763-679 or by email

UPDATE May 7: Book online for the taping course


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