
Running Can Be A Walk In The Park

Running Can Be A Walk In The Park

The South Burnett’s three parkrun events will be temporarily renamed “parkwalk” for October in a bid to get even more people involved in the free weekly events.

Runners Enjoy A Country Welcome

Runners Enjoy A Country Welcome

The Wondai Country Running Festival is continuing to grow with more than 500 registered runners hitting the South Burnett Rail Trail on Saturday and Sunday.

Runners Enjoy Relay Challenge

Runners Enjoy Relay Challenge

The second annual South Burnett Express Rail Trail Relay has been hailed a success after more than 100 runners took over a section of the South Burnett Rail Trail on Monday.

Dead Cow Comes Back To Life

Dead Cow Comes Back To Life

The Dead Cow Gully Backyard Ultra at Runnymede – which was postponed earlier this year due to the Brisbane COVID lockdown – has been rescheduled for this weekend.

Runners Rush To Wondai

Runners Rush To Wondai

The skies may have been grey at the start of Saturday but there was nothing but smiles on the faces of the 300 or so runners who rolled up for the annual Wondai Country Running Festival.

Wondai Runners Raring To Go

Wondai Runners Raring To Go

Wondai’s Country Running Festival will be making its fourth outing this Saturday and organisers will be hoping for fine weather all weekend.

Famous Face To Greet Runners

Famous Face To Greet Runners

Australian long-distance running legend Ron Grant will be the official ambassador for a new running festival which will debut in the South Burnett on April 3 next year.