The current Borumba Dam … an upper reservoir would also be built if the pumped hydro project gets the green light
(Photo: Powerlink)

May 20, 2024

Site works are continuing for the proposed Borumba Dam pumped hydro project.

A Queensland Hydro spokesperson said works over the next month would include:

  • Borehole drilling at the site of the proposed upper reservoir,
  • Soil assessment and testing,
  • LIDAR and ground control surveys near Borgan Road (Jimna area),
  • Geophysics works, and
  • Cultural heritage inspections.

Queensland Hydro is also beginning the next phase of a koala monitoring project at the project site this month.

The monitoring is being done by environmental consultants Umwelt, Ninox and the University of the Sunshine Coast using thermal drone surveys and detector dogs.

Related articles:

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What Is Pumped Hydro?

This video, by Hydro Tasmania, is about another project but includes an explanation about how pumped hydro works in conjunction with solar and wind power:


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