December 8, 2022
Powerlink has scheduled eight more community information sessions over the next fortnight to canvas opinions on the proposed transmission line routes for the Borumba Pumped Hydro Project.
This follows community requests for extra opportunities to provide feedback on the various options.
Powerlink is exploring ways to link the Borumba Dam project to existing substations at Tarong Power Station and Woolooga.
Option maps which have been distributed online show the various routes for the high-voltage wires pass through both cultivated land and remnant vegetation (see downloads, below)
The proposed southern routes to the Tarong substation pass Linville, Moore, Taromeo, Teelah, Benarkin, Blackbutt, Yarraman and Nanango.
A proposed extension to the Halys substation is close to Maidenwell.
One of the proposed northern routes passes close to Widgee, while another passes near Amamoor and Glastonbury.
Recent community information sessions were held at Jimna (November 28), Yarraman (November 29) and Nanango (November 30).
Sessions were also held last week at Woolooga, Kilkivan, Imbil and Gympie, and in August at Nanango and Yarraman.
The next Powerlink information sessions will be held at:
- Linville – December 8, 3:00pm-6:00pm at Linville Community Hall
- Widgee – December 15, 3:00pm-7:00pm at Widgee Community Complex
- Maidenwell – December 19, 10:00am-1:00pm at Maidenwell Hall
- Blackbutt – December 19, 3:00pm-6:00pm at Blackbutt State School
- Nanango – December 20, 3:00pm-6:00pm at the Nanango Cultural Centre
There will also be Powerlink sessions in Gympie (Dec 13), Kandanga (Dec 14) and Kilcoy (Dec 20).
Powerlink has created an online map where residents can leave suggestions or comments about the various options.
Widgee residents opposed to the transmission lines passing through their area will be holding their own meeting on Thursday (December 8) at the Widgee Bushman’s Bar from 5:00pm.
- External link: Powerlink website
- Related article: Public Meetings For Power Project
Download Options Route Maps:
- Borumba to Tarong/Halys (1.3Mb PDF)
- Borumba to Woolooga (1.5Mb PDF)
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A Powerlink spokesperson said the corporation had been engaging with stakeholders and the wider community about the new connections needed since mid-2022.
“This has been through briefings, meetings, 11 community information drop-in sessions, and via two stakeholder reference groups in the Gympie and South Burnett regions which were set up in October this year,” the spokesperson said.
A survey was also undertaken with more than 320 community members in August and September, which identified the top four factors:
- Locating new transmission lines with an existing line
- Avoiding areas of significant Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultural heritage
- Avoiding known recreation and tourism areas
- Avoiding residential dwellings and key buildings.
“It is important to note that no final decisions have been made regarding the potential transmission corridors, or the location of the transmission lines or towers,” the spokesperson said.
“In November, Powerlink shared potential corridor options for the project and is currently seeking valuable local insights and feedback on these options.
“This engagement will continue into 2023.
“At this stage the corridor options are approximately 4km wide.
“Once a final study corridor has been selected, we will work with landholders to refine the alignment to be located within a 70 metre easement.”
[UPDATED with correction: This report originally stated a meeting would be held at Widgee on December 17; it was actually held on December 15. We apologise for the error]