The final turbine blade is hoisted into position last week (Photo: AGL)

April 30, 2020

The Coopers Gap wind farm project has passed a major milestone with the completion of construction of the final turbine.

AGL Head of Construction Brian McEvoy said on Thursday the final blade on the 123rd turbine was hoisted into place by crane last Friday.

“This is a significant milestone for everyone involved in the Coopers Gap Wind Farm project including the owner, the Powering Australian Renewables Fund,” Mr McEvoy said.

“It continues a process that began in early 2018 and which included transporting more than 1,200 components more than 300 kilometres from the Port of Brisbane over a mountain range to the Darling Downs site, where the giant turbines were assembled and erected.

“The scale of the achievement is underlined by the fact that each of the blades are more than 60 metres long, the nacelle housing the generating parts weighed 90 tonnes, and they were lifted more than 100 metres into the air hundreds of times to be fitted.

“About 200 people from the GE-Catcon consortium worked on site at the peak of construction work but this will wind down to about 20 once operations begin.”

Mr McEvoy said 96 of the 123 turbines had been commissioned and 182MW of power were being generated into the National Electricity Market.

The wind farm will gradually ramp up to full capacity of 453MW.

Mr McEvoy said the $850 million project was expected to be completed in the second half of 2020.

“We could not have got to this point without the strong support from all of our key stakeholders including the Queensland Government, the Western Downs and South Burnett regional councils, local landowners, the Australian Energy Market Operator and Powerlink Queensland,” he said.

“It’s satisfying to reach this important milestone knowing we’ve done it safely and supporting the community in which we are located by focusing much of our spending on local businesses and contractors.”

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A crane carefully manoeuvres the final turbine blade into position (Photo: AGL)
The Coopers Gap wind farm turbines tower above farmland near Niagara Road (Photo: AGL)

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