April 11, 2019
South Burnett residents wishing to sign a petition about youth-related crime in Murgon can now do so online.
The official E-Petition was posted on State Parliament’s website on Wednesday.
The petition, endorsed by Murgon Business and Development Association president Leo Geraghty, calls for a 10:00pm curfew to be imposed in Murgon and more police on the streets in a bid to curb youth crime.
It reads:
The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House continuing concerns about the level of youth-related crime in Murgon; young people being unsupervised on the street after 10:00pm; insufficient staffing levels at the Murgon Police Station on weekends; and ineffective, soft-on-crime sentences for young offenders through the court system.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to consider additional strategies to combat youth crime such as a curfew of 10:00pm for the township of Murgon; additional police to be rostered for weekend night shifts; additional police on the streets of Murgon between 10:00pm and 5:00am; and tougher sentencing for youth offenders.
Opposition Leader and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington has agreed to sponsor the petition and will table it in State Parliament.
Paper copies of the petition area also available to sign in Murgon at Clifton Motors, Murgon Real Estate and the Murgon Visitor Information Centre.
The closing date for both the E-Petition and paper signatures is May 10.
- External link: E-Petition “Crime in Murgon”
This is a pretty typical comment from white people living near Aboriginal reserves. They need to say: “We are different from these people”.
Archbishop Tutu said “Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realise our need of one another”.