It's back ...

June 27, 2013

The South Burnett’s “Good Food Choices Program” is back and Council is calling on food businesses in the South Burnett region to become involved.

“The Good Food Choices Program has been incorporated into the Healthy Communities Plan and will be running again this financial year from June 2013 until June 2014,” South Burnett Healthy Communities Co-ordinator Kerry Oldfield said.

The Good Food Choice program is designed to help consumers make a healthier choice when eating.

RHealth nutritionist Berneice Hilly will accredit dishes at participating businesses as “Good Food Choices”.

“Eating out is part of a healthy lifestyle. It is something that everyone enjoys and is an important part of the Australian culture,” Ms Hilly said.

“Importantly, if we eat out regularly and want to make smarter choices to improve our long-term health, we can look for Good Food Choice accredited dishes to know we are making a healthier choice.”

It is free for food businesses to become involved but they must contact Ms Hilly at RHealth before the end of July on (07) 4162-5230 or by email