June 21, 2012
South Burnett CTC has started work on developing plans for a new housing development at Nanango which will include one, possibly three, and eventually up to six two-bedroom duplexes.
The development, on the corner of Gipps and Dalby streets, will be targeted at providing rental accommodation for people with disabilities living within the boundaries of the old Nanango Shire.
The South Burnett Regional Council has agreed to purchase the land for the development from funds set aside from the sale of Karinya aged care home.
Council will then lease the land to South Burnett CTC on a long-term basis.
CTC CEO Nina Temperton told southburnett.com.au the land was currently owned by the State Government and had always been earmarked for community housing.
CTC will enter into a 50/50 partnership with the Heritage Community Branch Nanango to fund the construction of the duplexes.
Profits from the Heritage Community Branch are distributed for the improvement of the district’s facilities.
Mrs Temperton said the project would be developed over five years in a “staged approach”.
“Initially one duplex will be built, and potentially three if grant funding from FaHCSIA (the Federal Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs) is successful,” Mrs Temperton said.
“Council has committed to purchase the block; they will spend up to $200,000 to buy the block, connect sewerage etc and provide road access.”
Currently the main road near the development is unformed.
“The whole project has been designed so that ownership stays with the community in perpetuity,” Mrs Temperton said.
The duplexes will be designed for wheelchair access, although potential residents do not have to be wheelchair users.