Council To Spend $660k On PCYC

Council To Spend $660k On PCYC

South Burnett Regional Council will spend the equivalent of a luxury home in Kingaroy to build two PWD toilets and renovate other toilets and showers at Murgon’s PCYC.

Mayor Calls For Support

Mayor Calls For Support

Cherbourg Mayor Elvie Sandow called an urgent meeting with police, Youth Justice and other community service providers on Tuesday after a weekend of “chaotic behaviour” in the community.

Youth Council Has Big Plans

Youth Council Has Big Plans

Members of the new 2023 South Burnett Youth Council met for the first time at the South Burnett Council Chambers in Kingaroy on Tuesday afternoon.

South Burnett Celebrates Harmony

South Burnett Celebrates Harmony

The first ever Harmony Week celebrations held in Kingaroy last Saturday have demonstrated just how diverse the local South Burnett community really is!

Council Vollies Enjoy Day Out

Council Vollies Enjoy Day Out

Volunteers at the Council-owned Visitor Information Centres and museums in the South Burnett recently enjoyed a “famil” (ie. familiarisation tour) of the region’s attractions.

Parking Fines Planned For CBD

Parking Fines Planned For CBD

People who park in disability parking areas in Kingaroy’s CBD without a permit will be fined under a new parking plan approved by the South Burnett Regional Council.

Inflation Hits TRC Budget

Inflation Hits TRC Budget

Inflation has forced the Toowoomba Regional Council to adopt an amended 2022-23 Annual Budget at a Special Meeting on Wednesday.

Grants ‘Delayed Deliberately’

Grants ‘Delayed Deliberately’

The Federal Government has been accused of deliberately delaying regional grants programs to avoid spending any new funding in the current financial year.

Kilkivan Land Values Leap 60pc

Kilkivan Land Values Leap 60pc

Ratepayers in the western part of the Gympie Regional Council area could get a shock when their latest land valuation notices arrive in the mail.

Fun Saturday To Celebrate Harmony

Fun Saturday To Celebrate Harmony

Residents have been invited to help paint six mural panels on Saturday in Kingaroy as part of the South Burnett Regional Council’s Harmony Week celebrations.

TRC Adopts Growth Plan

TRC Adopts Growth Plan

Toowoomba Regional Council has endorsed a growth plan to accommodate the extra 66,000 people expected to join the regional population during the next 30 years.

Dob In A Dumper

Dob In A Dumper

South Burnett Regional Council has urged residents to report illegal dumping within the region, following 26 incidents in January alone.

KTP Bill Totals $17.64m

KTP Bill Totals $17.64m

A total of $17.64 million has been spent on the Kingaroy Transformation Project (KTP), with $9.4 million of this coming from rates.