Stanwell CEO Michael O’Rourke and RES Australia CEO Matt Rebbeck sign the agreement recently (Photo: Stanwell)

September 30, 2024

An arrangement originally announced in September 2022 between the State Government and the developers of the proposed Tarong West Wind Farm near Ironpot has been formalised.

Stanwell CEO Michael O’Rourke and RES CEO Matt Rebbeck signed an agreement recently over the eventual ownership of the 97-turbine project.

The acquisition by the State Government-owned Stanwell follows the recent Development Approval for the project.

The State Government is backing the Tarong West Wind Farm (formerly known as Iron Leaf) with $776.1 million in funding committed so far.

A final investment decision is expected early next year.

The 436.5MW project is expected to create about 200 jobs during construction and 15 ongoing operational jobs.

“Tarong West Wind Farm will be Australia’s largest publicly owned wind farm, which is a game changer for Queensland’s renewable energy future,” Energy Minister Mick de Brenni said.

Stanwell CEO Michael O’Rourke said that adding Tarong West into the corporation’s renewable energy portfolio was an exciting chapter.

“RES is committed to continuing to work with key project stakeholders including the local community, landowners and traditional owners prior to the commencement of construction,” RES CEO Matt Rebbeck said.

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Stanwell, RES Australia and government officials at the official signing ceremony (Photo: Stanwell)


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