Deputy Mayor Kathy Duff, Mayor Keith Campbell and Cr Ros Heit in happier times … Crs Duff and Heit plan to fight the proposed cutbacks to community groups put forward by Mayor Campbell

April 16, 2018 got wind of the proposed cutbacks to community groups at the weekend and invited all South Burnett councillors to share their opinion.

Only two supplied a response before our deadline:

Deputy Mayor Kathy Duff (Division 5)

I do not support the cutback to sporting clubs and community groups that is being proposed.

These volunteers do a fantastic job running events, promoting sport and in many cases they are looking after Council facilities.

We are making it tough for them and the small savings won’t be enough to make a difference to our road network.

We need to be more efficient in the way we manage our roads. I think there are other places in Council where we can make savings and I won’t be supporting this proposal.

Cr Ros Heit (Division 6)

I am certainly cognisant of the need to scrutinise expenditure and upgrade our rural roads. However I am a firm believer in the value of community and the importance of community groups to the quality of life in the South Burnett.

Some of the reductions in concessions I am comfortable with, however making small sporting groups pay significant increases in rates is not supported by me.

The proposed funds saved by council would barely patch a pothole yet those same funds enable that club to flourish and provide great service to residents, their children and the wider community.  

In light of the figure quoted by the Mayor to fix the rural roads, I think Council needs to assess whether we can afford all of the proposed Kingaroy streetscape ideas.


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