Brisbane artist and tutor Noel Miller, centre, led a drawing workshop for South Burnett artists in Kingaroy over the weekend, where they could explore charcoal, pencils and pastels
Tingoora artist Robyn Dower hard at work on a drawing exercise

October 12, 2015

Keen local artists turned out to Kingaroy’s 1913 Council Chambers over the weekend to learn how to improve their drawing skills.

They were attending a workshop organised by the Kingaroy Arts Team, the newly formed arts group that now operates the Kingaroy Art Gallery.

Noel Miller, a highly respected Brisbane artist whose acrylic and pastel artworks were exhibited in the gallery last month, tutored the group.

In his “Drawing The Best Out Of Your Brain” workshop, Noel showed attendees how to work with charcoal, pencils and pastels to explore the potential of different drawing media and see where they might personally take it.

A series of exercises were undertaken to expand the skill of the pupils, no matter what their present level of expertise.

Noel encouraged the students to develop their own individual style, and stressed the importance of capturing emotion in their work.

The weekend workshop was the second he has held in the region.

His first workshop, in September, covered acrylic landscapes and included colour theory and the use of textures in the work.

Students were encouraged to improve their current style or even to be brave enough to move towards another style.

Both workshops, which were made possible by an RADF grant, were well attended and greatly appreciated by those who took part.

Everyone went away with new ideas and great enthusiasm to put their new-found skills to work.

Artists Diana Bolton and Adriana Palmer were immersed in their own workshop assignments


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