April 23, 2015
Registrations are now open for the Reconciliation Fun Run between Murgon and Cherbourg on Sunday, May 17.
More than 300 runners and walkers took part in the inaugural event held in April last year which was hailed a great success by organisers.
The Fun Run (or walk) is along a 7km route from the Murgon Showgrounds to Cherbourg.
“Reviver” stations spread along the route will supply bottled water to the participants.
It’s main aim is reconciliation … as the website says:
The people of Cherbourg open their arms to welcome the people of Murgon, the South Burnett and beyond to walk and to run the 7km in the name of friendship, in the name of hope, in the name of good health, in the name of new possibilities . . .
Come! Run with friends, walk with strangers, share with everyone, dress up as a team, enjoy together . . .
And at the end of the route in the Cherbourg Memorial Park and the Ration Shed Museum we’ll all have a big party – with food, with games, with stalls, with dances, with performances, with prizes . . .
All funds raised from the Fun Run will also go to help Cherbourg’s The Ration Shed Museum, which recently found out it would not be receiving expected funding from the Federal Government.
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