January 29, 2013
Latest updates from Mayor Wayne Kratzmann from the South Burnett Disaster Management Committee
(UPDATE 5:30pm)
Angels Bridge at Moffatdale is open and so is the Burnett Highway between Murgon and Nanango.
Krebs Bridge remains closed at this point in time.
D’Aguilar Highway (between Kingaroy and Nanango) is opened to traffic with reduced speed limits.
Manar Road – remains closed.
River Road Kingaroy is now open. Access to the Kingaroy Landfill is now available.
Stuart River Bridge (Boondooma Proston) will be inspected tomorrow.
Brooklands Bridge on Kingaroy-Cooyar Road has no load limits imposed.
Please note the number of road closures is increasing due to almost every Council road, apart from the Blackbutt area being damaged.
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Water & Sewerage
Emergency Water Restrictions remain in place across all towns in the South Burnett Region. Residents can still use water within the home however no external use is permitted under these restrictions.
Wondai Water – Fully operational.
Murgon Water – Temporary pump is being arranged for Barambah Creek to be installed on Wednesday.
Kingaroy – Gordonbrook Dam is currently 0.3m over the spillway. A lot of erosion has occurred downstream. Consumers may experience some discoloured water, however it is still safe to drink.
A temporary supply line has been connected to Swickers.
Nanango – The installation of the mains at the Barkers Creek Flat to the town of Nanango is complete with testing being undertaken. There has been no contamination to the water supply and it is still safe to drink.
Proston Rural Water – a full inspection will be undertaken tomorrow.
Repairs are being arranged on the sewerage Trunk Main in River Road, Kingaroy as a small section has collapsed near Ken Mills Toyota.
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Below is an update on the Evacuation Centres across the region:
Proston (Town Hall) – 49 people on site
Murgon (PCYC) – 24 people on site
Nanango – Now closed as all people have moved on
Kingaroy (Town Hall) – Now activated – 15 people on site
Yallakool – Closed and everyone has been moved to the evacuation centre in Murgon or the caravan park.
Moffatdale – 30 people on site
Manar Tourist Park – 250 people on site. The Local Disaster Management Group are looking into methods to resupply the area until the road network is restored. Council is liaising with the rescue helicopter services to ensuring the health and safety of residents and visitors.
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Grants & Funding from the State and Federal Governments
Council has provided information sheets and forms to each of the evacuation centres.
Counselling is available through Centacare.
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Hospitals are in full operation and assisting when needed.
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Road Closures
Council advises all motorists to obey road signage. Not following road signs endangers peoples lives and takes away our emergency resources.
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Refuse Tips & Collection
Kingaroy, Nanango, Blackbutt and Wondai Landfills are open to the public.
The Murgon Transfer Station unfortunately is still not able to be accessed due to flooding and will remain closed until further notice.
Waste collections are being attempted around in the region, including Murgon, as per the normal collection schedule but will ultimately be subject to road conditions as to whether bins can be serviced. So, residents are encouraged to place their waste bin out on their normal collection day.
Council is currently a day behind on the Kingaroy and Nanango collections. If your normal bin collection day is Monday or Tuesday and it hasn’t as yet been serviced please continue to leave your bin out and it will be collected as soon as possible. Residents on unsealed roads however may not be able to be serviced until those roads have dried out adequately, which based on past flooding situations could be up to a week or two.
The need to be careful travelling to these sites as the road network may be damaged.
Next update will tomorrow at 8.30am.
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Earlier Reports Below:
(UPDATE 3:30pm)
Angels Bridge at Moffatdale is open and so is the Burnett Highway between Murgon and Nanango.
Krebs Bridge remains closed at this point in time.
D’Aguilar Highway (Kingaroy to Nanango) remains closed. Alternate route is via Tarong and Goodger. Opening to one lane late today. (UPDATE: This is now open)
Manar Road – remains closed.
River Road Kingaroy is now open. Access to the Kingaroy Landfill is now available.
Please note the number of road closures is increasing due to almost every Council road, apart from the Blackbutt area being damaged.
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Water & Sewerage
Emergency Water Restrictions remain in place across all towns in the South Burnett Region. Residents can still use water within the home however no external use is permitted under these restrictions.
Wondai Water – Fully operational.
Murgon Water – Temporary pump is being arranged for Barambah Creek to be installed Wednesday 30 January 2013.
Kingaroy – Gordonbrook Dam is currently 0.5m over the spillway. A lot of erosion has occurred downstream. Consumers may experience some discoloured water, however it is still safe to drink.
Temporary supply line has been connected to Swickers.
Nanango – Council is currently replacing 13 metres of the 9 inch main at the Barkers Creek Flat to the town of Nanango. It is anticipated that the main will be operational by 3.00pm today. There has been no contamination to the water supply and it is still safe to drink.
Proston Rural Water – a full inspection will be undertaken tomorrow.
Repairs are being arranged on the Sewerage Trunk Main in River Road, Kingaroy as a small section has collapsed near Ken Mills Toyota.
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Below is an update on the Evacuation Centres across the region:
Proston (Town Hall) – 49 people on site
Murgon (PCYC) – 24 people on site
Nanango – Now closed as all people have moved on
Kingaroy (Town Hall) – Now activated – 15 people on site
Yallakool – Closed and everyone has been moved to the evacuation centre in Murgon or the caravan park.
Moffatdale – 30 people on site
Manar Tourist Park – 250 people on site
Council is liaising with the rescue helicopter services to ensuring the health and safety of residents and visitors.
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Hospitals are in full operation and assisting when needed.
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Road Closures
Council advises all motorists to obey road signage. Not following road signs endangers peoples lives and takes away our emergency resources.
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Refuse Tips & Collection
Kingaroy, Nanango, Blackbutt and Wondai Landfills are open to the public.
The Murgon Transfer Station unfortunately is still not able to be accessed due to flooding and will remain closed until further notice.
Waste collections are being attempted around in the region, including Murgon, as per the normal collection schedule but will ultimately be subject to road conditions as to whether bins can be serviced. So, residents are encouraged to place their waste bin out on their normal collection day.
Council is currently a day behind on the Kingaroy and Nanango collections. If your normal bin collection day is Monday or Tuesday and it hasn’t as yet been serviced please continue to leave your bin out and it will be collected as soon as possible. Residents on unsealed roads however may not be able to be serviced until those roads have dried out adequately, which based on past flooding situations could be up to a week or two.
They need to be careful travelling to these sites as the road network may be damaged.
Next update will be 5.00pm today which will include the Local Disaster Management Group’s decision regarding the 250 people currently stranded at the Manar Tourist Park.
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(UPDATE 12:30pm)
The Council Road Crews are in Recovery Phase – pavement repairs and/or undertaking inspections.
Krebs Bridge between Murgon and Wondai is currently 1.3m over the bridge. The water levels have dropped approximately 300mm in the last few hours. Krebs Bridge has been damaged. Council are hopeful it will be open by tomorrow afternoon.
D’Aguilar Highway (Kingaroy to Nanango) remains closed. Alternate route is via Tarong and Goodger. Possibility it may be open to one lane by late today. (UPDATE: Kingaroy to Nanango – D’Aguilar Highway will be opened after 5:00pm today)
Manar Road – report being prepared as a matter of urgency due to the 250 people currently stranded.
Angel Bridge at Moffatdale is being inspected for possible reopening. (UPDATE: Angels Bridge is now open).
Please note the number of road closures is increasing due to almost every Council road, apart from the Blackbutt area, being damaged.
* * *
Emergency Water Restrictions remain in place across all towns in the South Burnett Region. Residents can still use water within the home however no external use is permitted under these restrictions.
Wondai water – fully operational.
Murgon Water – A temporary pump is being arranged for Barambah Creek to be installed tomorrow (January 30).
Kingaroy – Gordonbrook Dam is currently 0.5m over the spillway. A lot of erosion has occurred downstream. Consumers may experience some discoloured water, however it is still safe to drink.
Temporary supply line has been connected to Swickers.
Nanango – Council is currently replacing 13m of the 9 inch main at the Barkers Creek Flat to the town of Nanango. It is anticipated that the main will be operational by 3.00pm today. There has been no contamination to the water supply and it is still safe to drink.
Repairs are being arranged on the Trunk Main in River Road, Kingaroy as a small section has collapsed near Ken Mills Toyota.
* * *
Below is an update on the Evacuation Centres across the Region
- Murgon (PCYC) – 21 people on site
- Nanango – Now closed as all people have moved on
- Kingaroy (Town Hall) – Now activated – 7 people on site
- Yallakool – 30 people on site
- Moffatdale – 30 people on site
- Manar Tourist Park – 250 people on site
Council is liaising with the rescue helicopter services to ensuring the health and safety of residents and visitors.
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Hospitals are in full operation and assisting when needed.
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Road Closures
Council advises all motorists to obey road signage. Not following road signs endangers peoples lives and takes away our emergency resources.
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Refuse Tips & Collection
Kingaroy, Nanango, Blackbutt and Wondai Landfills are open to the public.
The Murgon Transfer Station unfortunately is still not able to be accessed due to flooding and will remain closed until further notice.
Waste collections are being attempted around in the region, including Murgon, as per the normal collection schedule but will ultimately be subject to road conditions as to whether bins can be serviced. So, residents are encouraged to place their waste bin out on their normal collection day.
Council is currently a day behind on the Kingaroy and Nanango collections. If your normal bin collection day is Monday or Tuesday and it hasn’t as yet been serviced please continue to leave your bin out and it will be collected as soon as possible. Residents on dirt roads however may not be able to be serviced until those roads have dried out adequately, which based on past flooding situations could be up to a week or two.
The need to be careful travelling to these sites as the road network may be damaged.
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Next update will tomorrow at 2.30pm today.
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