
Search results for powerlink

Job Security Carrot
Offered To Power Workers

Job Security Carrot<br> Offered To Power Workers

State Treasurer Tim Nicholls November 10, 2014 Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls has agreed to a request from Ergon, Energex and Powerlink to include a “no forced redundancies” clause in their…

Thermal Cameras Track Deer

…of other partners including HQ Plantations, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Powerlink, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and local landholders. The surveys will be conducted bi-annually for two years….

Premier Opts For Asset
Leases Rather Than Sales

Premier Opts For Asset<br> Leases Rather Than Sales

…(with the Mt Isa Rail line) The commercial water pipelines of SunWater Electricity generators Stanwell Corporation and CS Energy Ltd Electricity transmission and distribution companies Energex, Ergon and Powerlink A…

Union Slams CEO Salaries

Union Slams CEO Salaries

…salary to $895,000. Energex CEO Terry Effeney received a 19 per cent increase, from $665,000 to $791,000; while Powerlink CEO Merryn York’s salary rose 7 per cent to $711,000. ETU…

Power Stations, Mine Marked For Sale

Power Stations, Mine Marked For Sale

…mine” would be sold. The ports of Townsville and Gladstone and the Mt Isa rail line would be leased, and “private sector investment” would be invited into Powerlink, Energex and…

ETU Calls On Treasurer ‘To Come Clean’

ETU Calls On Treasurer ‘To Come Clean’

…of Ergon, Energex and Powerlink to private contractors whose primary function is to maximise profit for their shareholders, and in many cases their overseas owners. “Do you know the following…

State To Lose Control
Of Ergon Board: Union

State To Lose Control<br> Of Ergon Board: Union

…an equity stake in Ergon, Energex and Powerlink in return for paying for infrastructure upgrades’.” Mr Traill said the Treasurer told the Courier-Mail newspaper at the time that “because we…

Power Change ‘To Save $2b’

…electricity infrastructure decisions. “These reforms will allow Energex, Ergon Energy and Powerlink to deliver the most cost effective and reliable electricity supply while recognising customer values and achieving minimum service…

Power Stations ‘To Be Sold After Election’

Power Stations ‘To Be Sold After Election’

…booth during Saturday’s Redcliffe by-election. Mr Traill claimed Mr McArdle had also confirmed a $14 billion private capital expenditure in Ergon Energy, Energex and Powerlink which the ETU describes as…

Coomba Falls Boardwalk Back On Track

Coomba Falls Boardwalk Back On Track

…12 months for parts. The project was part of a joint SBRC-Powerlink Greenworks funding partnership begun in 2011 to encourage the recovery of degraded lands in the Middle Creek, Tanduringie…

Power Industry Advisers Named

…proponents are: CS Energy and Stanwell studies – Lazard Ergon, Energex and Powerlink private sector funding – Rothschild and Bank of America Merrill Lynch Energy markets advisers (generator/retailer business) –…

Private Funding Proposal For
Ergon, Energex & Powerlink

December 12, 2013 “Business as usual” is not an option for Ergon Energy, Energex and Powerlink, Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls said today. Soon after announcing that the government would commission…

‘Fattening Pigs For Market’: ETU

…as Ergon, Energex and Powerlink – whether through wholesale privatisation or equity sale,” an ETU spokesman said. “They lied. They have as recently as last week been caught out putting…

MP Slams Union ‘Scaremongering’

MP Slams Union ‘Scaremongering’

…well we have lost 1200 workers across Ergon, Energex and Powerlink in less than 12 months and the State has lost in excess of 15,000 public sector employees since the…

Bush ‘Betrayed’, Says Union

Bush ‘Betrayed’, Says Union

…jobs), Energex (460) and Powerlink (63) over the past year. ETU State Organiser Stuart Traill said the figures confirmed what the union had been saying since last year, ie that…

Darryl Wins Award For Lantana Control

Darryl Wins Award For Lantana Control

…Whyte – assessed nominations for the award. Darryl is also involved in the local Landcare group and had encouraged his neighbours to get involved in the Powerlink Greenworks Project. “The…

Mothballed Units Blamed For Power Hike

Mothballed Units Blamed For Power Hike

…even properly representing the QCA’s report.” Dr Worringham said Mr McArdle should be celebrating Powerlink’s deferral of a planned 500kV transmission line to serve Brisbane. “This $400 million saving is…