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Local Groups Share Wind Farm Grants

Local Groups Share Wind Farm Grants

The Coopers Gap Wind Farm community fund has awarded $117,295 in grants to not-for-profit associations in the South Burnett and Western Downs council areas after receiving 18 applications.

Changes In KCCI Executive Team

Changes In KCCI Executive Team

There have been some changes in the make-up of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s executive committee following the association’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday night.

Probation For Stalking MP

Probation For Stalking MP

A Kilkivan man has pleaded guilty to stalking Member for Gympie Tony Perrett.

‘Quiet Majority Backs Renewables’

‘Quiet Majority Backs Renewables’

Farmers For Climate Action – a pro-renewables lobby group – claims a majority of residents in Renewable Energy Zones actually support clean energy projects on farmland in their local community.

Old Coal Mates Swap Stories

Old Coal Mates Swap Stories

There were lots of memories shared on Saturday about the good ol’ days when coal was the undisputed king of Rio Tinto’s mining portfolio in Queensland.

Georgie Wins Gold Medal

Georgie Wins Gold Medal

Georgie Somerset has been presented with the Australian Institute of Company Directors 2024 Queensland Gold Medal.

Art Blossoms In The Forest

Art Blossoms In The Forest

A two-day art exhibition held in a large white marquee on the Bunya Mountains at the weekend has proven two points … firstly, the natural beauty of the Bunya Mountains is a lure to artists who want to capture the magic in their works.

Nuclear Pros, Cons And Wish Lists

Nuclear Pros, Cons And Wish Lists

South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff and three fellow councillors – Cr Deb Dennien, Cr Jane Erkens and Cr Linda Little – were among 10 witnesses called to give evidence at the recent House Select Committee inquiry into nuclear energy held in Nanango.

Murgon Student Wins Arts Award

Murgon Student Wins Arts Award

An artwork by Murgon State High School student Ian Saltner will be shown at Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) next year after it won a major award at a recent exhibition.