
Glider Startles Farmers

Glider Startles Farmers

Farmers in the Booie area were startled on Saturday afternoon when a glider landed in a paddock just off Booie-Crawford Road.

Gliders To Represent Australia

Gliders To Represent Australia

Kingaroy Soaring Club has proven itself to be one of the best gliding clubs in the nation with four of its members being selected to represent Australia at the upcoming world championships to be held in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Champions Relax After A Big Week

Champions Relax After A Big Week

After a week of tough competition, the pilots competing in the 2015 Queensland Gliding Championships relaxed and enjoyed dinner on Saturday night at the Kingaroy Soaring Club.

‘Aspro’ Honoured At Opening

‘Aspro’ Honoured At Opening

The Kingaroy Soaring Club’s new $180,000 hangar at Kingaroy Airport has been officially opened at a ceremony recognising long-term club member Ian “Aspro” Aspland.

Chris Soars Above The Rest

Chris Soars Above The Rest

It’s a fairly common sight to see gliders soaring above Kingaroy Airport, but did you know how far they can travel? Would you believe Victoria?

Perfect Weather For Champions

Perfect Weather For Champions

Kingaroy’s weather may not have been much good for farmers lately, but it’s been almost perfect for gliders and the top-class field of competitors that the 52nd Australian Multiclass Nationals gliding championships brought to town.

Championships At Airport

Championships At Airport

The 52nd Multi Class National gliding championships will take off at Kingaroy Airport on Tuesday (October 15).

Kingaroy Club Soars Above Rest

Kingaroy Club Soars Above Rest

Kingaroy Soaring Club members have won both classes of the national gliding championships flown at Kingaroy Airport between October 8-19.