Nanango RSL Sub-Branch president Charles “Chas” Kemp – who was nominated in three categories at the South Burnett Regional Council’s Australia Day Awards – did the official flag-raising at Nanango Showgrounds on Sunday morning

January 29, 2025

Nanango Showgrounds took on a larrikin feel on Sunday morning for the town’s annual Australia Day event.

Thongs and gumboots were tossed after some traditional Aussie tucker was served up at the free brekkie.

Most of the fun took place out on the oval with the crowd encouraged to join in.

Dog jumping – a Nanango tradition on Australia Day – tested the hardy farm dogs used to leaping on to the back of a ute while at the same time offering easier challenges for smaller family doggos.

The new Burnett Celtic Pipes & Drums troupe, formed late last year, also performed for the crowd.

This is the second year the Nanango Business Alliance has organised the town’s Australia Day activities.

Local councillor, South Burnett Deputy Mayor Jane Erkens, said all the feedback she had received about the day had been very positive.

“All in all, everyone had a great day,” she said.

The event was sponsored by Heritage Community Branch, Nanango; the Nanango Show Society, Sunpork and the South Burnett Regional Council.

[All photos by Charlie Spagalli Photography and Videography]

Nanango residents Jo Hassan, Roy McKee and Bev Gardner were enjoying the Australia Day activities
South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff wasn’t afraid to have a fling …
The dog jumping – an opportunity for working dogs to really show off! – is always popular with the crowd
And there was tug-o-war fun for both adults and kids
Gumboots were not the only thing being tossed about … the thong throwing was also very popular
Nanango’s own raconteur, Bruce Webb, recited bush poetry from the stage …
… as did Wendy Matthews who shared some of her own works

South Burnett Kathy Duff joined in the activities

Midge Thompson was competing the dog-jumping
Deputy Mayor Jane Erkens acknowledged the Nanango residents who had been nominated for Australia Day awards
Nanango Business Alliance president Sharon Johnson thanked everyone who helped on the day
A new attraction this year was a performance by the Burnett Celtic Pipes & Drums, sponsored by the Nanango RSL Club
Bushy, the Rural Fire Brigade’s mascot, was a hit with the children


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