The Truth Telling And Healing Inquiry team in Cherbourg on Wednesday … from left, Jared Lane, David Wragge, Nia Emmanouil, Ronald Saltner, Belle Wilson, Kate Marchesi and Edward Monaei OAM

October 2, 2024

Discussions about how Queensland’s Truth Telling And Healing Inquiry will collect local stories were held with Cherbourg Council on Wednesday.

Representatives from the inquiry met with local councillors and also explained what the inquiry hoped to achieve during an interview on Cherbourg Radio.

The visitors emphasised the Cherbourg component of the inquiry would be shaped and designed by the Cherbourg community, coming from the grassroots.

Mayor Bruce Simpson has already publicly endorsed the Inquiry, saying it would allow Cherbourg people to tell their stories so all Australians could know the real truth about what happened to Indigenous people.

The inquiry, part of the State Government’s Path To Treaty process, is being chaired by barrister Joshua Creamer – a Waanyi and Kalkadoon man – with a Board comprising former Supreme Court judge Roslyn Atkinson AO, Truth and Treaty body co-chair Cheryl Buchanan, lawyer Ivan Ingram and Vonda Malone, from the Torres Strait Regional Authority.

It will gather stories and information from Queenslanders across the State as well as non-government and government organisations.

Related articles:

Truth Telling And Healing Inquiry team members with Cherbourg Mayor Bruce Simpson, Cherbourg councillors and community Elders


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