At the calendar launch …  Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald with artwork created by Lockyer student Jai Spence-Gray (Tent Hill Lower State School), and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington with Nanango prep student Charlotte Black’s artwork (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)

September 12, 2024

Artwork by Nanango State School prep student Charlotte Black has been selected to appear in the 2025 Queensland Farm Safety Calendar.

Charlotte’s artwork was chosen from more than 1500 entries from across Queensland, and is one of 12 by students which will feature on the 2025 calendar.

“Congratulations to Charlotte for creating her artwork which features a message about having a safe, fenced play area so children are kept safe from farm machinery,” Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington said.

“Farm Safety is such an important topic for our region, so it is wonderful that a regional student like Charlotte can share their knowledge and understanding with other young people and their families right around Queensland.

“Charlotte’s drawing features in the month of March and I’m sure her family are extremely proud of her for this achievement.”

Each of the winning students receives $250 with another $500 going to their school.

Other messages on the 2025 Farm Safety calendar tackle being safe around electrical equipment, always wearing a helmet on a quad bike and washing hands after touching animals.

The annual Farm Safety Calendar competition has attracted more than 12,000 entries since it began in 2016.

South Burnett primary schools have featured strongly in previous years, with winners coming from schools in Crawford, Cooyar, Durong, Kilkivan and Kingaroy.

This year’s winners were judged by industry representatives from AgForce, the Queensland Farmers’ Federation and representatives from the Office of Industrial Relations.

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