May 29, 2023
Ninety Army cadets converged on Nanango at the weekend to experience a weekend bivouac in the bush.
The cadets, from 14th Battalion, were hosted by Nanango’s 177ACU from Friday night to Sunday afternoon at the Barambah Bowhunters’ grounds just south of Nanango.
2nd Lieutenant (AAC) Tony Scrimshaw said the cadets came from units at Wondai, Caloundra, Yandina and Kilcoy, as well as Nanango, for the “Kangawallafox” weekend.
They took part in a range of field exercises including navigation, first aid in the field and team building.
The cadets also experienced living in the field, sleeping in hootchies and cooking with hexamine stoves.
2nd Lieut Scrimshaw said it was the first time some of the cadets had been out in the bush.
Nanango’s Army Cadets unit meets every Tuesday night from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Nanango State High School.
New recruits are always welcome.
The minimum age for membership is 12, provided the cadet will turn 13 in the calendar year of their enrolment.
[Photos: Jane Erkens]