A proposal to build a modern service station on the former Dan’s Diner site opposite Wondai’s Timber Museum has been given a Preliminary Approval by the South Burnett Regional Council (Diagram: SBRC)

October 27, 2022

Developers of a proposed service station in Wondai will have two years to improve their plans after the South Burnett Regional Council gave the project a preliminary approval at its October general meeting.

Developers VB 1884 Pty Ltd had applied to have a service station and a food and drink outlet built on the site, but Council staff recommended that only the service station should receive preliminary approval.

The developers will need to address 19 conditions before a full Development Approval will be issued.

Council received four objections from adjoining landholders during a public notification period in June.

The objectors raised concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety; odours; lighting; noise pollution; illuminated signs; operating hours; and the affect on surrounding residential properties.

Council officers reported that some of these issues had been resolved but many had not.

The preliminary approval would allow the developers time to re-work their plans to answer these outstanding matters.

One particular concern, they said, was a proposal to erect a 4m high acoustic wall on the western side of the property, which would overshadow a neighbouring residence and affect natural light and breezes.

Another was noise and light pollution, which could be addressed by limiting the service station’s operating hours from 6:00am to 10:00pm, seven days a week.

A third concern was ensuring that stormwater drainage would comply with Council standards and that a “fail-safe design” was built so that no petroleum products would be released beyond the property in the event of failure.

The decision to issue the preliminary approval was moved by Cr Danita Potter, seconded by Cr Jane Erkens and carried unanimously.

Footnote: In June last year the Council approved plans for a 24-hour, six bowser service station with a 300sq m food and convenience store on the Bunya Highway at Wondai. The application was lodged by SJS Fuels Pty Ltd, but no work has yet been undertaken on this project.

The proposed service station site in Haly Street, Wondai, shares boundaries with several residential properties (Diagram: SBRC)


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