Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk

August 27, 2021

COVID-19 restrictions are easing again in Queensland.

From 4:00pm on Friday (August 27), restrictions in the 11 south-east Queensland council areas will shift to the level elsewhere in the State – except for masks.

This means restrictions on public gatherings, stadium capacity and home visitors will now be consistent across Queensland, except for additional mask requirements in south-east Queensland.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Queensland was entering Stage 3 of the “Unite and Recover Roadmap”.

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Movement and Gatherings

  • Up to 100 people can gather in homes. There is no limit for people gathering in public spaces.
  • Indoor funerals and wedding ceremonies: One person per 2sq m  or 200 people or 100 per cent allocated seated and ticketed capacity (whichever is the greater). All wedding guests can dance (indoors and outdoors), subject to the one person per 2 sq m.
  • Indoor premises: One person per 2 sq m or 100 per cent allocated seated and ticketed capacity (eg. restaurants, cafés, pubs, clubs, museums, art galleries, places of worship and convention centres) with the COVID Safe Checklist. Eating or drinking while standing allowed. One person per 2 sq m for short-term accommodation (including hostels, B&Bs and short-term rentals) with the COVID Safe Checklist. Density requirements do not apply in sleeping areas. One person per 2 sq m at indoor play areas with the COVID Safe Checklist.
  • Self-service food: No restrictions.

Stadiums, Indoor and Outdoor Events

  • 100 per cent allocated seated and ticketed for stadiums. Patrons must wear a mask at all times, including when seated. Patrons must be seated to eat and drink. Masks can be removed when eating or drinking.
  • 100 per cent allocated seated and ticketed capacity for indoor events or one person per 2 sq m indoors.
  • No restrictions on outdoor events, however you are encouraged to wear a mask when you are unable to physically distance.
  • Ticketed venues: 100% capacity with allocated seating (eg. theatre, live music, cinemas, indoor sports, universities and other higher education institutions).
  • Community sport: No restrictions.


  • Masks must be worn at stadiums, at an airport, and on domestic or international flights departing or arriving in Queensland.

Masks In SE Qld 

Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Moreton Bay, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim LGAs.

  • People must carry a face mask at all times when they leave home, unless they have a lawful reason not to.
  • Public Transport and ride share: must wear a mask including while waiting for the transport in a public space such as a bus stop, taxi rank or train station.
  • Outdoors: you must wear a mask when unable to stay 1.5m apart from people who are not part of your household.
  • Indoors: you must wear a mask in indoor spaces (including workplaces, but not your own home) unless it is unsafe or you can stay 1.5m apart from other people. This includes cafes, restaurants, pubs etc. unless eating or drinking, seated or standing.
  • Schools: Masks must be worn by teachers and staff (all schools), plus students in high school.

Masks In Rest of Qld

  • Everyone is encouraged to carry and wear a mask when physically distancing is not possible.

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