April 16, 2020

More than 1000 people have now tested positive to COVID-19 in Queensland, official figures released by Queensland Health on Wednesday show.

The figures show a total of 1001 cases; of these, 442 people have recovered and five have died.

The rest remain as “active” cases.

Health Minister Steven Miles said 21 patients were being treated in hospital, including 11 in intensive care.

A total of 73,868 tests have been carried out in the State since the crisis began.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said more than 700 of the 1001 cases were travellers who had caught the virus while overseas or on a cruise.

Another 160 had contracted the disease from someone who had been an overseas traveller.

There are no new cases in the Darling Downs Health region.

The total number of confirmed cases in the Darling Downs was re-adjusted from yesterday’s total back to 42.

Twenty-five people have recovered.

Active cases are in Toowoomba, Miles and Oakey.

Nationally, at 6:00am on Thursday there had been 6458 confirmed cases in Australia, up 42 from 6:00am on Wednesday.

Chief Medical Officer Prof Brendan Murphy said there were 42 patients on ventilators across Australia.

The most confirmed cases continue to be in NSW (2897), followed by Victoria (1299).

There have been 63 deaths.

Internationally, more than two million people have now tested positive to COVID-19, although the true number of infections may be much higher as testing regimes differ from country to country.

There have been an estimated 134,600 deaths and more than 510,000 people have recovered.

* * *

Queensland Breakdown


Health Service  Active  Recovered  Deaths Total 
Cairns and Hinterland 8 24 0 32
Central Queensland 8 1 0 9
Central West 0 0 0 0
Darling Downs 15 25 2 42
Gold Coast 112 73 0 185
Mackay 10 5 0 15
Metro North 231 75 2 308
Metro South 102 135 0 237
North West 0 0 0 0
South West 0 0 0 0
Sunshine Coast 21 67 1 89
Torres and Cape 0 0 0 0
Townsville 12 11 0 23
West Moreton 20 17 0 37
Wide Bay 15 9 0 24
Total 554 442 5 1001*


* Queensland Health notes that changes may occur in the number of notifications reported from day-to-day. This is due to updates as new information becomes available or where discrepancies are detected through data quality assurance activities.


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