February 27, 2020
Kingaroy-based disability advocate Rhonda Trivett is the latest candidate to put up their hand for a seat around the South Burnett Regional Council table.
Ms Trivett announced her intention to run for Division 3 – against sitting councillor Danita Potter – on Wednesday evening.
She told southburnett.com.au that things have to change in the South Burnett.
“I really didn’t want to do this, but there’s a lot of talk (from council) and no action,” she said.
“I know all the problems and I hate them. I feel I have to do something.
“I am going to do my darnedest to make that change happen.
“I thought, while I’m still alive, I will do it!”
Ms Trivett said she had been encouraged by the support she had been getting.
“When I told people, they said ‘go for it’,” she said.
“I hope I will be working with Keith (Campbell) next year.”
Ms Trivett recently relaunched her South Burnett Peace Of Mind peer-to-peer support group in Wondai.
The group plans to offer activities to assist people who have “fallen through cracks” of the usual welfare supports.
In 2018, Rhonda was presented with the Volunteer of the Year Award at the South Burnett Regional Council’s annual Australia Day awards.
South Burnett Peace Of Mind operated a drop-in centre in Kingaroy for several years, and organised the annual White Dove Ball.
The problem with running for any local council will be the same for every candidate. You go in with great expectations to change things for the better but then the bureaucracy and department heads will grind you down until you start thinking their over-educated, impractical work methods that cost 3 times more than they should and employ more people to sort out their mess.
All the best to anyone that would want to do this job, you’ll need it.
Until such time as any local elected persons (by the community) make all the major council decisions, I personally would not even contemplate running for local government because otherwise you will be the public face of the Heads of Dept’s poor decisions. Just my opinion.
Yeah Greg, a fair comment but someone has to get very strong somewhere and sometime to actually achieve something and that something needs to be right and proper and not frivolous which is wont to happen now at times.
This shire is not rich enough to get all that some people would like and the core things need to be concentrated on first and then maybe go for some of the not so necessary projects
“You go in with great expectations to change things for the better but then the bureaucracy and department heads will grind you down.”
There does need a majority of very strong-willed members and most of all there HAS to be a real strong-willed Mayor as the Mayor is the only person able to take up the fight! The Mayor cannot do that without a majority support from the Cr’s otherwise it is really “urinating into the wind” and there needs to be a cohesive and not a compliant-only council.
Cr’s really need to do much better than always chasing after the famous photo shoot and on this comment I am not referring to the Div 3 Cr, so no offence given! I am only using this article for a general comment, but my views are serious!
Don’t discourage community minded idealists from entering the race! Yes the system requires stamina but I believe a person living with a disability has the necessary stamina to institute change. Good luck Rhonda!
Thanks, I’ll need it but really, I really believe that I will make a difference.
Anyone can make a difference but only if they do it for the right reasons. Mine is not the money. I’m losing a lot of things running.
It’s my passion and my childhood that makes this happened. My life experiences.
At least, I would have made some differences I believe. But it’s only for 4 years then I can have my life back.
If I can save lives by what I’m doing it’s all worth it. This is up my alley.
The community and myself will make a big difference and let’s face it it’s all about the community, not me, not any council member.
When we pay our rates the councils are supposed to be working for the people of the community.