March 7, 2019
While residents in Gympie city and its coastal areas had cause to smile on Wednesday, most residents in the western end of Gympie Region had less to celebrate.
The latest land valuations released by the Queensland Valuer-General showed land values in Gympie Regional Council’s area have risen by an average of 6.8 per cent since the last valuation in 2017.
Three towns – Amamoor, Dagun and Kandanga – enjoyed rises of more than 70 per cent, and many others had rises of between 5 and 10 per cent, including Kilkivan and Woolooga.
However, residents in Goomeri, Cinnabar, Kinbombi and Tansey saw no change in their land values.
Queensland Valuer-General Neil Bray noted that rural residential land had experienced varied changes across Gympie region, with values rising around Gympie and in the Mary Valley while values in the western areas were generally static.
“The improving market has resulted in a minor increase to the overall median value of $139,000 since the previous valuation in 2017,” Mr Bray said.
“Industrial, retail and other commercial sales activity has been subdued across the region with most values remaining unchanged.
“As a result, the value of both commercial and industrial lands have increased slightly across the region.
“The overall rural land value has increased moderately since the last valuation due to strong demand for both small and larger size properties.”
Gympie Regional Council’s latest valuation data can be viewed online
- Related article: Property Values Dip In Goomeri