August 22, 2017
by Nanango State School P&C
Nanango State School P&C is extremely grateful for the support and funding Heritage Bank Nanango has shown us over the years.
We are now excited to show you the latest projects that our school community has been lucky to receive funding for over the last three years.
Check out our 14 new “Principal” tables fully funded by Heritage Bank Nanango in 2015:

The “Principal” tables have plaques that name every Principal who has served at Nanango State School over the past 150 years.
These new tables weren’t only much needed lunchtime seating for our students but are also great for outside lessons.
They are located in three spots through the school and come with the added security feature that they can be secured to the ground.
It also makes the school grounds look very neat and smart.
Next we have two maroon “Buddy Benches” that were fully funded in 2016:

Buddy Benches help promote positive playground behaviour.
The buddy bench is a simple idea to eliminate loneliness and fosters friends in the playground.
It is a place where children can sit and someone will extend friendship to them.
Located under the library, they make a great addition to the new, smart look of Nanango State School.
And yes! Our last play fort now has a sun safe shade cover on it, entirely thanks to Heritage Bank Nanango in 2016:

We know a lot of happy students are now enjoying the cooler play equipment, especially in summer time.
For years, the students of Nanango State School have written to the Principal in a persuasive writing piece as to why this fort needed a shade cover as they were fully aware of the importance of sun protection, something we take very seriously at Nanango State School.
But there’s more!
For 2017, Heritage Bank Nanango has gifted Nanango State School with the majority of the funds required to fit our school hall with a new audio visual system.
Work is now in progress, and we can’t wait to show you how our school hall will have the equipment that is vital in providing educational opportunities not usually available in country schools.