November 24, 2016
A truck driver was left with a messy and smelly problem after a spill at the intersection of Appin and Henry streets, Nanango, on Wednesday afternoon.
The semi-trailer was travelling down Appin Street carrying a load of offal when the driver halted at the stop sign opposite the Nanango Bowls Club.
Unfortunately, it appears a portion of his load didn’t stop.
An eyewitness told the offal sloshed over the front of the vehicle, and then back again as the truck moved forward.
“The driver pulled up out the front of the bowls club. When he removed the wind-up cover, more offal just fell out of the back of the truck,” the witness said.
“It was big chunks of fat and offal, and it was rank. It smelt really bad.”
The witness, who had been driving near the truck, said his wheels had just spun on the roadway.
“It was really slippery.”
Police were quickly on the scene to help control traffic.
* * *
It must have been the day for smelly truck incidents on Wednesday.
At Crowley Vale, near Gatton, a truck carrying 27 tonnes of human waste lost part of its load after the driver was allegedly forced to brake to avoid a collision with a small car.
Like the Nanango incident, the waste sloshed across the front of the truck and then on to the road.