The Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt Avocado Festival is no more.
When the popular event makes its next outing on Saturday, September 9 it will be known as the Blackbutt Avocado Festival instead.
“We are very excited to claim the title of being Queensland’s only avocado festival,” festival chair Jeff Connor said.
“This year we had the Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt Avocado Festival, but the committee felt the name was just too long.
“We are keeping Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt, but we’ll be using this branding to promote our town as the gateway to the South Burnett.”
There are big plans afoot for next year, with more avocado activities including the now famous Avocado Roll, Avocado cooking demonstrations with Jason Ford, a competition to find Blackbutt’s Biggest Avocado, Avocado Juggling, and even an Avocado Mash.
“All these will be on the table – some quite literally,” Jeff said.
The Festival will also be saying farewell to one of its longest-serving volunteers soon.
John Atkins has been with the festival since it started in 2009.
“We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank John for all his wonderful work, dedication and commitment,” Jeff said.
“John has been our market stall coordinator, marketing officer and committee secretary, as well as being in charge of the Orchid and Foliage Show.
“However, many people know him best as our official raffle ticket man. John has been selling raffle tickets in the main street of Blackbutt for many years for our fundraising activities, and he will still be there until the end of October.
“John’s commitment and dedication to the Avocado Festival as a volunteer has been exemplary, and I hope his many friends drop by to wish him well.”
For more information on the Blackbutt Avocado Festival, visit the BBBF Facebook page or the Festival’s website.