September 21, 2016
Plans to return the former Nanango Railway Station building to its original home in Pioneer Park and turn it into a railway history museum are drawing increasing interest.
Nanango Tourism and Development Association (NaTDA) president Gloria Kirkness told the group’s Annual General Meeting last Thursday that as word about the project has spread, reactions have been almost universally positive.
The aims of the project were to preserve an important part of Nanango’s history, create a new tourist attraction for the town, and help bring more people to Pioneer Park and nearby businesses.
“The feedback we’ve been getting is that this idea is a win-win for everyone,” Mrs Kirkness said.
At present, the railway station building is located at the Lee Park race course.
The building was moved to the race track in the 1960s by the former Nanango Shire Council, who purchased it when the region’s railways were decommissioned.
The race club used the building as its office until the current offices were built, but in recent years the railway station building has had little use.
Mrs Kirkness said the Nanango Race Club had recently written to NaTDA to say they had no objection to the building being moved back to Pioneer Park.
And in informal discussions, the South Burnett Regional Council had indicated they were in favour of the idea in principle, too.
But they would need to look at the proposal in detail to assess what work would be required to meet current building standards.
NaTDA have now obtained quotes to have the building moved.
They will seek other quotes for electrical, plumbing and restoration work once Council officers have fully assessed the proposal.
NaTDA will need to raise the money for the project through grants, Mrs Kirkness said.
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In other matters, Mrs Kirkness said an AGM was a good time to pause and reflect.
“The last 12 months have been a busy time for NaTDA members, but I believe we have made a positive difference to our town,” she said.
Some of the activities NaTDA members had been involved in included:
- Successfully nominating a number of Nanango businesses in the South Burnett Business Excellence Awards, including Nanango winner Orchy Fresh Fruit
- Manning the gates at the Nanango Show and Waterhole Rocks
- Updating and reprinting the Nanango and Districts Tourist Map distributed by the Nanango Visitor Information Centre
- Sponsoring a race at the Nanango Race Club’s Christmas meeting, as well as holding the group’s Christmas break-up there
- Donating a hamper to the Boots and Bulldust Community Christmas Lunch
- Gathering mobile “black spot” information for the South Burnett Regional Council
- Visiting Meandu Mine
- Attending information sessions about the proposed MRV Tarong Basin coal mine
- Sponsoring part of the Brushes And Flashes travelling South Burnett art exhibition
- Supporting a visit by SBCare to the Gas Guzzlers’ club house for a morning tea
- Attending a Biggest Morning Tea held at the Yarraman Caravan Park
- Supporting the Heritage Bank Nanango Film Festival
- Continuing existing support at the Nanango Golf Club
- Supporting the Battle Of The Bands competition as part of last year’s South Burnett And Cherbourg On Show long weekend
- Attending the opening of SBCare’s extension
- Holding two social days – one at the Kumbia Races, and the other a trip to Moffatdale Ridge’s Italian Festival.
The group also tackled a number of projects:
- Mrs Kirkness said NaTDA members were asked to judge Nanango’s Christmas lights entrants in last year’s South Burnett Christmas Lights competition, which was sponsored by Gina Rinehart, and were very pleased a deserving Nanango entrant won.
- They were also pleased Nanango resident Jane Erkens won the Nanango Local Achiever award at this year’s South Burnett Australia Day Awards presentations in Proston, which several members attended.
- In March, NaTDA organised and sponsored a well-attended “Meet The Candidates” election forum at Nanango RSL so the public could meet all Council candidates.
- While the group was disappointed the South Burnett Tourism Association had folded, NaTDA is now represented on the Council’s new Tourism Advisory Group and was working well with Council’s new Tourism Officer, Julie Foley.
- NaTDA’s “Adopt A Spot” clean-up of a portion of the D’Aguilar Highway between Tipperary Flat and the Big Bucket has continued three times a year, and this year two signs were mounted on the highway to acknowledge members’ efforts.
- Many NaTDA members are also members of the Funfest committee and supported the Cent Auction and Casino Night fundraisers for the Nanango New Years Eve Mardi Gras, the largest event ever seen in the town.
- NaTDA members also supported the “Mardi Gras Dollars” local shopping campaign, which was the most successful retail promotion seen in Nanango in many years.
- NaTDA successfully obtained two grants in the previous year. One was used to support the Beyond Blue Bash, which raised $6000 for beyondblue; and a volunteer grant had been used to purchase shirts, hats and two gazebos to help “sun proof” NaTDA volunteers helping out at community events
- Finally, the former Nanango Chamber Of Commerce was wound up in the last year and its assets were transferred to NaTDA; this means NaTDA will be refocusing on areas formerly covered by the Chamber, and will be inviting local businesses to come aboard.
Looking ahead, Mrs Kirkness said there were a number of other projects the group hoped to advance in the year ahead:
- Updating the tourist information boards at Tipperary Flats, and adding new “What’s On In Nanango” signs that will be regularly updated throughout the year to advertise major events happening in the town and surrounding areas
- Investigating ways to build on or add to successful events already running in the town to generate more business for CBD traders, such as a recent promotion run in conjunction with the Heritage Nanango Country Music Muster
- Continuing to work in a positive and constructive way with the South Burnett Regional Council to look at ways the town’s facilities can be improved and expanded
The AGM concluded with a vote for the 2016-2017 executive.
Mrs Kirkness was re-elected President; Danielle Turmaine was re-elected Vice President; and Mary Green was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer.