September 5, 2016
The talented women from the QCWA were making a big impression in Murgon on Friday with their annual display of the best handcrafts from across the Gympie-South Burnett Division.
Members and friends gathered at the QCWA Hall to enjoy morning tea as the names of the winners in more than 50 categories were read out.
Entries had come from multiple QCWA branches including Proston, Hivesville, Kingaroy and Kilkivan in the South Burnett.
There was everything on display from “chicken scratch” (a form of cross-stitch done on gingham) to stuffed toys, and hand-made greeting cards to beadwork.
For at least the third year in a row, Cedar Pocket member Jeanette Westlake topped the points ladder, earning the most points across all categories of the competition.
Division Handcraft chair Val Klein, from Proston QCWA, said all the old handcrafts were coming back into fashion, with young people keen to learn the skills, and older QCWA members eager to pass on the knowledge.
“You don’t have to be a member to come along to QCWA craft days,” she said.
All first prize winning entries in the Division competition will now be packed up and sent to State Conference, which will be held in Gladstone in October, where they will be judged against handcrafts from all other Queensland Division.
Division entries in cooking, floral art, knitting and crochet were judged earlier in the year.