South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann and Kingaroy-Memerambi RSL president Don Davey place a red poppy against a name on the Menin Gate (Photo: Eleanor Sharpe)

May 2, 2014

The South Burnett delegates making a pilgrimage to war graves in Belgium and the Netherlands have had their most emotional day so far.

The group visited Menin Gate, Buttes, and Tyne Cot cemeteries where hundreds of Australians – including many former South Burnett residents – lay buried.

They placed small red poppies on graves they identified before leaving the South Burnett.

After visiting the three World War I cemeteries in Flanders, they drove through France to Dunkirk, the site of the evacuation of British and allied forces after the fall of France to the Nazis in 1940.

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