Jillian Crick’s “Cool Pool”, “Leaving Home” by Carmel Nott and “Sentinel” by Kay Joyce
A lamp by potter Meg Stevenson

December 17, 2013

Four journeys in life by four artists are reflected in the latest exhibition at the Bunya Forest Gallery on the Bunya Mountains which opened on Saturday (December 14).

The four artists – Kay Joyce (textile), Meg Stevenson (potter and glass fusion), Carmel Nott (printmaker) and Jillian Crick (oils, acrylic & watercolour) – have all been featured in the gallery’s “Artist In Focus” program.

The exhibition which brings together their work is titled “Synergy”, ie  “the interaction or co-operation of two or more organisations, substances or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects”.

Jillian, Carmel, Meg and Kay have thrived in the nurturing and inspiration that the collaboration of like-minded souls can provide.

Their work illustrates the results of deep reflection and the positive energy that can be harnessed from such collaboration.

The four journeys are bound together by a common feeling for the natural environment.

The exhibition will continue until February 2.

The Bunya Forest Gallery, 14 Bunya Avenue, is open from 10:00am to 4:00pm  Saturday and Sunday, and Tuesday to Thursday.

It will be closed on Christmas and Boxing Day.

Artists Jillian Crick, Kay Joyce, Carmel Nott and Meg Stevenson are combining their skills and energy at the latest exhibition at the Bunya Forest Gallery