April 11, 2013
A hardy group of volunteers at Kingaroy Kindergarten has been preparing the ground for the kindy’s first – and hopefully, only – “Backyard Blitz” this Saturday.
After 12 long years of fund-raising, the kindy’s new home is almost ready to open its doors in James Street, just around the corner from the old kindy at 90-92 First Avenue.
But the children can’t move in until the playground is completed.
So this Saturday, April 13, the kindy is asking all its many parents, friends and supporters to donate a little bit of time to help whip the playground area into shape.
Last Saturday, volunteers spent the day doing a lot of the “heavy lifting” beforehand so this weekend’s tasks should be even easier.
But many hands make light work, and the more hands on the ground this Saturday the faster the work will go.
The Backyard Blitz will start at 8:00am and any time you care to donate would be gratefully accepted.
Afterwards, the kindy will be holding an Appreciation Barbecue to thank everyone who helps out with the work in their garden.
The kindy also plans to put up a commemorative wall at a later date with permanent plaques to provide a lasting tribute to the many businesses and individuals who’ve contributed towards the project over the years.
You can obtain more details about this Saturday’s Backyard Blitz by phoning Sharna Mills on 0408-723-504 or Todd Fiedler on 0409-624-572.
Otherwise … just turn up on the day and pitch in!