January 27, 2013
An emergency helicopter was to be called in this afternoon to evacuate a family of six stranded in a house surrounded by water at Silverleaf.
Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said the two adults and four children will have just 30 minutes to get out if water goes over a nearby bank and as that now looks likely they will need to be evacuated.
At Byee, the Murgon SES is conducting a swift water rescue on Byee Road. No further information is available at this stage.
Concern is also mounting for patients stranded at Cherbourg Hospital.
An attempt earlier today to evacuate a pregnant woman and renal patients via a flood boat was abandoned.
A helicopter may now be booked to carry out this evacuation.
At Widgee, rescuers are believed to be still trying to reach three families stranded by floodwaters.
Mayor Ron Dyne told Fairfax press the families have been stranded on their rooftops for more than seven hours but attempts by SES flood boats to reach them had so far failed.
The South Burnett Local Disaster Management Plan was activated at 11:00am today and a Local Disaster Management Centre established at council’s Kingaroy offices.
“The South Burnett Local Disaster Management Group will meet today at 5.30pm in the Council Chambers. The Group will discuss the current situation and also prepare for the influx of water coming from the flow-on from local creeks and rivers,” Local Disaster Co-ordinator Stan Taylor said.
The group contains key stakeholders including Council, Police, SES, Ambulance, and Fire and Rescue.
“We are providing regular updates on Council’s website and Facebook regarding road closures and any information that you need to know. I am also talking with CROW-FM and ABC on a regular basis,” Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said.
Evacuation centres have also been set up at the Proston Community Hall, in Rodney Street, Proston, and Murgon PCYC in Macalister Street, Murgon.
Currently 87 people are being looked after at Proston – 56 adults and 31 children. They include anglers from Boondooma Dam who had been visiting for the long weekend and are unable to return home.
Evacuees from Silverleaf and Byee will be taken to the Murgon PCYC.
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