May 29, 2012
More than 300 riders, ranging from pee wees to seniors, took part in the annual Kingaroy Lions Trail Ride at Alice Creek at the weekend.
Lions Club spokesman Neil Edmunds said the Open 42km track, which had some optional “extreme” sections, challenged the senior riders.
This track began at Clarkes Road and extended into the foothills of the Bunya Mountains, all on private property.
Novices tested their skills on a smaller 14.5km track and the pee wees had their own separate circuit.
The event isn’t a competition so the riders are just there to have fun, something which the Lions Club is happy to assist.
“It’s getting hard for dirt-bike riders these days to find somewhere legal to ride,” Neil said.
Kingaroy SES joined Kingaroy and Nanango Lions Club in assisting at the event.