April 2, 2016
In response to ongoing concerns about the spread of Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and its significant impacts locally, Gympie Regional Council, the Burnett Mary Regional Group and Gympie and District Landcare are combining forces to bring the latest information to landholders.
Industry leaders, research experts and local landholders will come together to share information about treatments, vectors of spread, biocontrol and long-term options during two information days.
Producers are invited to attend the sessions, on either Friday April 15 or Saturday April 16, from 8:00am until 2:00pm at Woolooga Hall.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided so registration is essential by phoning 1300-307-800.
Sullivan Livestock and Rural Services will also be providing the Woolooga Saleyards as the venue for field sessions incorporating identification and demonstration of treatment methods.
“These field sessions will improve the awareness of Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and the significant threats it poses to grazing and agricultural land,” Gympie Mayor Mick Curran said.
“Attendees will also learn best-practice management strategies to control existing infestations and limit further spread in the region.”
Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and other weedy Sporobolus grasses are invasive exotic grasses that greatly reduce pasture productivity by outcompeting desirable pastures and degrading natural areas, resulting in reduced profitability and land values and significant treatment costs.
Weedy Sporobolus species are listed as Category 3 Restricted Matters under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and landholders are required to control these grasses on their properties.