
Council Needs You!

Council Needs You!

Are you friendly, motivated and passionate about the South Burnett, and what our community has to offer?

Grant To Support Festival’s Future

Grant To Support Festival’s Future

Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt Festival Inc – the organisers of the Blackbutt Avocado Festival – have received $15,000 in State Government funding to develop a strategic business and succession plan for the organisation.

Another Winery To Close

Another Winery To Close

One of the South Burnett’s oldest wineries will be closing in two weeks, putting an end to a business that has operated successfully for more than 25 years.

Big Celebration For Big Peanut

Big Celebration For Big Peanut

A Big Peanut deserves a Big Party, and that’s what Kingaroy turned on in Lions Park on Saturday morning for the “official” unveiling of the community statue.

Repairs Start On Rail Trail

Repairs Start On Rail Trail

South Burnett Regional Council has authorised temporary repairs to begin on the South Burnett Rail Trail, which was badly damaged in the recent floods.

Travel Business Takes Off

Travel Business Takes Off

Everyone knows the past few years have been terrible for the travel industry – the pandemic stopped cruising, grounded airlines and closed both international and State borders.

Council Approves Equestrian Plan

Council Approves Equestrian Plan

A long-term plan by the South Burnett Western Performance Club to upgrade its grounds in Nanango has been given the go-ahead by the South Burnett Regional Council.

Kingaroy Is Charging Ahead

Kingaroy Is Charging Ahead

The mystery object in Kingaroy’s Alford Street car park was officially unveiled on Tuesday morning … a 50kW fast charging unit for electric vehicles.

South Burnett Powers Up

South Burnett Powers Up

Kingaroy residents wondering what’s underneath a mysterious plastic-wrapped plinth that appeared recently in the Alford Street car park will have their questions answered soon.

SBRC Debates Rail Trail Repairs

SBRC Debates Rail Trail Repairs

Heavy rain in late November and the deluge on January 8-9 have left the South Burnett Regional Council with an estimated $91,000 bill to repair the South Burnett Rail Trail.

Ralph Hands Over The Reins

Ralph Hands Over The Reins

Kingaroy Visitor Information Centre volunteer Ralph Argue has spread the word about the South Burnett to visitors for the past 15 years.

Volunteers Created A Tourist Icon

Volunteers Created A Tourist Icon

The incredible community effort that went into creating the South Burnett Timber Industry Museum at Wondai was celebrated at a special morning tea this week.

Tourist Guide Released

Tourist Guide Released

About 50 tourist operators packed into Nanango’s Energy Centre last Thursday night for the launch of the South Burnett’s official tourist guide.