Lieutenant (AAC) Grahame Cuthbert, from 177ACU, was the catafalque guard

March 14, 2025

There doesn’t appear to be any official day of commemoration on Australia’s national calendar to acknowledge the sacrifice of Afghanistan war veterans, which is ironic as it is the country’s longest war.

However, the Nanango RSL Sub-Branch has not let the sacrifice of Australian troops in Afghanistan – more than 40 died and more than 260 were wounded – be forgotten.

The Sub-Branch has been organising an Afghanistan Day commemoration for several years now at the memorial on the corner of Drayton and Henry streets.

A small crowd of local residents, RSL Sub-Branch members – including several Afghanistan veterans – gathered at the monument at 10:00am on Friday.

Also remembered were those Australian Defence Force personnel who have served in more than 40 overseas deployments since the Vietnam War.

Lieutenant (AAC) Grahame Cuthbert, from 177ACU, guarded the memorial during the short service.

Pastor Bill Hogan read the opening prayer.

Guest speakers were celebrant Lowrian Redsell and South Burnett Deputy Mayor Jane Erkens.

Cr Erkens recalled the September 11 terrorist attack in New York which prompted then-Prime Minister John Howard to invoke the ANZUS Treaty to support the US “War On Terror”.

“Over 39,000 ADF personnel served in the war in Afghanistan,” Cr Erkens said.

“As with other wars, many veterans continue to suffer because of their service in Afghanistan.

“Today we remember their service, recognise their sacrifice and that of their families during a long and challenging conflict.”

Carly Watson, from the Burnett Celtic Pipes and Drums, played the bagpipes as wreaths were laid at the foot of the monument.

David Wilson served as a sergeant with 6RAR during his deployment to Afghanistan in 2010
Carly Watson, from the Burnett Celtic Pipes and Drums, played the bagpipes
Nanango Sub-Branch Citizens Auxiliary president Robyn Gurney with Deputy Mayor Jane Erkens
Lieutenant (AAC) Grahame Cuthbert with celebrant Loerian Redsell and Nanango RSL Sub-Branch president Chas Kemp
Nanango residents Jack English (Vietnam), Dallas Marks (Vietnam and Singapore) and Peter Jurd (Malaya) were part of larger group of veterans who attended the commemoration service
The Afghanistan plaque at the base of the Nanango war memorial


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