Attorney-General Deb Frecklington with South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff and the children and basketballers who helped to officially open the new Youth Precinct in Kingaroy’s Memorial Park

February 13, 2025

Local children having been using it since late last year, but the new Youth Precinct at Kingaroy’s Memorial Park rolled into the spotlight on Saturday with its “official” opening.

The Suncoast Spinners wheelchair basketballers were invited – along with players from the Kingaroy Basketball Association – to test out the new basketball court.

The Spinners meet regularly at the South Burnett PCYC in Murgon but the new court in Memorial Park, and the wheelchair-friendly footpaths created around it, mean they now have a second area they can use.

The basketball court, which is floodlit at night, the adjacent adventure playground and security cameras are part of an $850,000 upgrade at the park which was supported by a $250,000 grant from the State Government’s Minor Infrastructure Program.

The project was officially opened by  Member for Nanango Attorney-General Deb Frecklington and South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff.

Footnote: Wheelchair basketball is an example of “reverse inclusion”, ie. people without disabilities are also invited to take part, an opportunity which many of the guests at the opening couldn’t pass up (although the real Spinners aced them on the court!)

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Cr Danita Potter and Deb Frecklington demonstrate their wheelchair basketball skills … the Attorney-General was the only one of the adult guests to score a basket
Suncoast Spinners members with Cr Danita Potter, Attorney-General Deb Frecklington, Deputy Mayor Jane Erkens, Mayor Kathy Duff, Cr Linda Little and Cr Deb Dennien
Mayor Duff and Mrs Frecklington with some of the South Burnett Regional Council team who worked on the precinct project
Mayor Duff tried to “cheat” by standing up out of the wheelchair!
Deb Frecklington with Suncoast Spinners members Lincoln McDougall, 14, and Isabella Pointing 11, both from Kingaroy
Bradley Heimerl, from Kingaroy, with Kingaroy Basketball Association’s Declan Parry and Cr Danita Potter … Declan handed out basketballs and backpacks as prizes at the opening
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