The APVMA ban took immediate effect this week

October 11, 2024

An immediate ban was issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) on Thursday over the use of a common herbicide which has been linked in the United States to birth defects.

Chlorthal dimethyl (Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate) – commonly referred to as Dacthal or DCPA – is used for pre-emergent weed control in a range of crops, including beans, peas, lettuce and potatoes; and for weed control in cotton, lucerne and perennial grass crops.

It was also recommended for use in strawberries, onions, peas, carrots, turnips and other brassicas.

APVMA  cancelled the registration of all 12 local products containing the herbicide (see the list, below) following an emergency order issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency in August.

The seriousness is emphasised by the fact this is the first time in 40 years the EPA has used its emergency powers in this way.

According to the US agency, unborn babies whose pregnant mothers have been exposed to the herbicide – sometimes without even knowing the exposure has occurred – could experience changes to foetal thyroid hormone levels.

These changes have been linked to low birth weight, impaired brain development, decreased intelligence and impaired motor skills later in life, some of which may be irreversible.

APVMA CEO Scott Hansen said there was an immediate risk of serious injury or serious illness which could result from use of the products.

“The APVMA has the power to act swiftly where we identify an imminent risk to human health and we are exercising that authority today with the cancellation of all products containing chlorthal dimethyl,” Mr Hansen said.

“We haven’t taken this decision lightly and are exercising a high degree of caution in cancelling these products and ask those who hold them to cease use immediately. We will issue information on the product recall requirements shortly.”

He emphasised there was no phase out period for the products due to the risk to human health.

“The APVMA considers the risk of continued use to be unacceptable as the risk of exposure cannot be effectively mitigated,” Mr Hansen said.

“The primary risk is to pregnant people’s unborn babies, particularly where those people have handled the chemical or re-entered areas where the product has been used within the last five days.

“We understand the impact that this regulatory decision will have on industry, but the safety of people is of paramount importance.”

National Farmers Federation president David Jochinke commended the APVMA for doing its job swiftly.

“We urge all farmers to immediately comply with the directive to cease use,” he said.

“Further recall instructions will be made available by the APVMA shortly and we will work with our member organisations to ensure farmers understand how to appropriately dispose of affected products in their possession.”

* * *

Products cancelled are: 

  • Nufarm Chlorthal-Dimethyl 900
  • Imtrade Pterodactyl 900 WG
  • KDPC Prethal 750 WG
  • Novaguard Chlorthal 750 WG
  • Ezycrop Chlorthal 750 WG
  • Farmalinx Dynamo 750
  • AC Discord 750 WG
  • MacPhersons Chlorthal 900 WG
  • Lawthal 750 WG
  • Hemani Chlorthal 750 WG
  • Titan Chlorthal 900 WG, and
  • Dacthal 900 WG

The APVMA says farmers and retailers may continue to hold these products until further notice, but must not use it. The use of chlorthal dimethyl as an agricultural chemical product is now illegal.


One Response to "Birth Defects Prompt Herbicide Ban"

  1. That’s a real eye opener. The harm that it does is not in question. Immediately illegal to use it. Wow.

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