Council has rejected the offer to take over ownership oi the 107-year-old St Faith’s Anglican Church at Mondure earlier this year

September 30, 2024

A community meeting to discuss the future of the Mondure Anglican Church will be held at Mondure Hall on Thursday (October 3).

All Mondure residents have been invited to attend.

In January this year, the previous South Burnett council team formally declined an offer from the Anglican Church to take over ownership of St Faith’s Anglican Church and its related cemetery.

However, they were willing to negotiate a potential sub-division to split the cemetery away from St Faith’s lot and take over maintenance of this area.

At an earlier meeting,  several councillors admitted they were reluctant to accept the Anglican Church’s offer because of the significant costs ratepayers would face to bring the 107-year-old church building up to modern standards.

These would include painting the building’s exterior, re-roofing, re-stumping, connecting water and building an amenities block.

Related articles:

FLASHBACK: The cemetery at the rear of St Faith’s in Mondure, photographed in late 2023 after recent rain


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