Nick Alexander and Ryan Reynolds, from Kumbia, were getting ready to shoot some hoops on the new concrete court

September 20, 2024

A new $315,000 sports precinct was officially opened by the “kids of Kumbia” in a ceremony organised by the South Burnett Regional Council on Friday afternoon.

A $200,000 investment by Council, plus $115,000 from the State Government’s Works 4 Queensland funding program, has resurrected the dilapidated tennis courts on the western edge of town.

The area now boasts a new concrete multi-purpose court, suitable for basketball, handball, netball and even soccer.

What used to be the centre tennis court has been turned into a skateboard area with portable jumps which can be shifted into different locations.

The third tennis court, which was the least damaged from the old complex, has been refurbished and can again host social tennis.

The Council makeover also includes all-inclusive swings in the adjacent park, two picnic shelters with tables, and an electric barbecue.

Kumbia Sports Association president Tony Dugdell said the project to revive the area had taken about 2 1/2 years.

It had started under the previous Council – especially former councillors Scott Henschen and Gavin Jones – but he thanked the current councillors for bringing it to fruition.

Mr Dugdell said there had been an “influx” of children in the Kumbia area over the last few years which had made the project important.

“It’s really good to see kids riding around again and doing things,” he said.

Mayor Kathy Duff and local councillor Ros Heit said it was wonderful to see children out and about again having fun in the area.

The project became necessary despite a $200,000 makeover of the tennis courts and clubhouse just five years ago.

Storm damage and cracking of the resurfacing made the courts unplayable, and weeds quickly reclaimed the area.

Council has been assured the new concrete multi-purpose court will last for decades.

Related articles:

Mayor Kathy Duff, councillors and parents look on as the new sports precinct is officially opened
Kumbia Sports Association president Tony Dugdell with association secretary Belinda Reynolds and treasurer Jessica Simpkins
Parker Simpkins, 4, from Kumbia, was testing out the new ramps in the skateboard area with his scooter
At the official opening … Cr Ros Heit, Cr Deb Dennien, Kumbia Sports Association secretary Belinda Reynolds, president Tony Dugdell, treasurer Jessica Simpkins, Deputy Mayor Danita Potter, Mayor Kathy Duff, SBRC parks co-ordinator Dallas Dyer and Cr Linda Little
The new concrete multi-purpose court
Skateboard ramps have been placed in the former centre tennis court area and the third court, at the rear, has been refurbished
The two new picnic shelters and barbecue area are now located within the sportsground area
An all-inclusive swing set has been erected behind the courts  … Kumbia residents are hoping that playground equipment from the caravan park in the main street could also be relocated to this area in the future
FLASHBACK: A photo posted on Facebook in February 2023 by then-Mayor Brett Otto showing grass and weeds breaking through cracks in the artificial surface on the three tennis courts  (Photo: Brett Otto)


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