New First Year Constables parade at the police graduation ceremony in Brisbane this week  (Photo: QPS)

September 19, 2024

Kingaroy and Murgon police stations will each receive one new officer after this week’s Queensland Police Service graduation in Brisbane.

The two officers were among 128 sworn in at the ceremony.

Over the past eight months, the recruits have undergone training in operational policing issues, physical skills, driving, firearms and field craft.

They will now undertake further training and on-the-job supervision as First Year Constables.

The latest cohort of graduates follows the launch of the “Challenging, Rewarding, Policing” recruitment campaign last year.

The QPS has graduated 850 recruits in the past 12 months — up 68 per cent from the previous year – with more than 2370 applications in the pipeline.

Recruits are supported with a training salary, cost-of-living bonus and on-campus accommodation (if eligible).

A graduate with a relevant tertiary degree could also have up to $20,000 paid off their HECS debt.

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Earlier this month, Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington asked a Question on Notice to Police Minister Mark Ryan in regards to staff numbers at Proston, Wondai and Blackbutt police stations. understands these stations have been unmanned for some time with officers from adjoining stations responding to incidents in these areas.


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