The hat and face of the statue were targeted in the attack (Photos: Charlie Spagalli)

September 2, 2024

Police are investigating the vandalism of one of Nanango’s famous chainsaw statues at the weekend.

The sculpture of a woodcutter, which has graced Drayton Street for decades, was smashed with what local councillor Jane Erkens believes was probably a large hammer.

The attack, outside Cr Erkens’ business, is believed to have occurred at some time on Friday night.

The vandals smashed the woodcutter’s hat, nose, arm and axe in what appears to have been a prolonged attack.

A noose was also tied around the statue’s neck.

Members of the public have retrieved some of the pieces of the smashed wood from a drain however the axe handle is still missing.

Cr Erkens said she was investigating to see if the statue could be repaired.

News of the incident provoked outrage on social media.

Anyone with information is urged to contact PoliceLink on 131-444 or CrimeStoppers anonymously on 1800-333-000.

The vandals also smashed the arm and axe handle (Photos: Charlie Spagalli)


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