Irrigators have only a short time to make their final submissions on an inquiry into Sunwater and Seqwater’s future water pricing plans (Photo: NRCS)

August 29, 2024

The deadline is looming for irrigation users to make final submissions on future Sunwater and Seqwater pricing.

The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has been reviewing pricing practices ahead of recommending the costs which would apply for irrigators from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2029.

Submissions must be received by the QCA by September 16.

Stakeholder workshops have been held at various locations across Queensland, including at Murgon on February 12 and July 26.

An initial submission by Stuart Nicholson, from the Barker Barambah Irrigator Advisory Committee, said the reliability of the Barker Barambah Scheme should be considered before the “relentless push for increasing fees” was entertained.

He pointed to allocations being based solely on Bjelke-Petersen Dam levels, excluding the flows in Barambah Creek after rain.

Other irrigators on the Barker Barambah scheme complained the engagement process had not been undertaken satisfactorily, a claim dismissed by Sunwater.

More information about how to make a submission, copies of the draft reports from Sunwater and Seqwater released in July, and summaries of feedback collected at the consultation meetings are available on the QCA website

The final report from the QCA is due to be released in February.


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